17 A &17 B, Jalan Tiaj 2/1, Taman Industri Alam Jaya, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam

First Aid and CPR Training at Work?

First Aid and CPR Training at Work?

First Aid and CPR Training at Work?

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone at home, on the road, in public places like shopping malls or parks, and even at work.

Even with safety measures that have been implemented to prevent accidents, but there is still the possibility of accidents may occur.

Benefits of conducting First Aid Training at work

Save lives during emergencies

In the event of an emergency, a quick first aid response can save lives and prevent injuries from getting worse. Now, Heart Attacks can also happen to anyone regardless of age limit.

If a person collapses and stops breathing, the golden period. Therefore, it is very important to perform CPR and using an AED to “Shock” the victim in the first few minutes will increase the survival rate by up to 75%.

Workers trained in first aid will understand the steps to take during an emergency and this increases their confidence in performing CPR.

First aid and CPR save lives, especially where there are serious injuries and immediate action is essential.

Training provides critical knowledge and confidence to manage emergencies effectively without fear of confusion.

Reduce accidents at work by knowing Basic First Aid

First aid training helps employees learn to be more aware of safety in the workplace, which leads to a reduction in the number of accidents and injuries.

They will be aware of the dangers and risks that may cause an accident and can be taken as a precaution at their workstation.

First aid knowledge also helps them maintain the first aid facilities, first aid rooms, first aid kits available in their workplace.

So that first aid items are always ready and in good condition for any emergency.

First-aid workers who attend first aid training may share their first aid knowledge with coworkers and they may teach other employees about simple steps to perform CPR when they encounter this situation.

Minimizing risk to employees and reducing incidents in the workplace is beneficial to employees and employers.

Learn First Aid also for your loved ones

Training in first aid is just as useful outside of the workplace. Knowing first aid can one day help save the lives of a friend or family member.

First aid training is especially important for anyone living with someone at risk for a heart attack. If a family member has a heart attack can use CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver to save their loved ones.

This knowledge is invaluable because we have no second chance for the lives of our loved ones during life-threatening situations.

Compliance with OSHA 1994 Malaysia

Section 15 (1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) provides that every employer and the self-employed person must ensure, as far as practicable, the safety, health and welfare in the workplace of all its employees.

The provision of first aid and first aid facilities is in compliance with the welfare component of the general duties of employers and self-employed persons.

Benefits of conducting First Aid Training at work

Many companies often neglect the good health of their employees, thus causing employee productivity to be overlooked as a way to increase organizational profits.

Based on a 1997 National Security Council report, an estimated 80 million working days were lost due to unintentional injuries.

Being in a low-hazard or high-hazard work environment, employees face a wide range of risks. Risks such as bleeding, burns, shock, spinal cord injuries, bone and limb muscle injuries, soft tissues injuries – are some examples that may occur in an organization.

Incidents like this not only damage the productivity of the company, but also a loss to the company in terms of compensation, and in addition, the possibility of being fined by superiors.

Therefore, in business terms, it is worth “investing” in first aid training for employees and basic first aid equipment.

With minimal investment to keep your employees safe and trained, organizations benefit not only from a reduction in casualties but also an increase in productivity.

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