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AED – 3 big why we need to be one

AED – 3 big why we need to be one

AED – 3 big why we need to be one

The AED is an Automatic External Defibrillator, a semi-automatic device that can help save lives. A small but compact device that assists the action of CPR on some victims of Cardiac Arrest. Despite the effectiveness of rescuing loved ones, awareness from the community is still far from satisfactory. If we have a view from the modern country. It is a rapidly developing country ! So, what about small countries or those with inefficient medical support?

So, let’s introspect on how important the AED is as a people. In, I will discuss your 3 big why, personally need an AED.

Cardiac Arrests can Happen to Anyone

Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency that results in loss of life for someone who suffers from it. Changes in heart rhythm to abnormal conditions disrupt blood circulation so that it cannot supply oxygenated blood to important organs such as the brain and heart. Who is at risk of having this sudden ‘troubled heart’?

Therefore, the importance of having an AED is the key to a successful life-saving attempt. Based on a study from the AHA states;

Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation, with an automated external defibrillator (AED), can more than double a victim’s chances of survival. In fact, early defibrillator, along with CPR, is the only way to restore a victim’s heart rhythm to patients. However, for every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation, the chance of survival is reduced by 7-10%.

Family Members with heart related diseases

About 80 percent of heart attacks occur at home; Thus, access to an AED at a critical time has the potential to save the lives of loved ones because only defibrillation can prevent potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias. For patients at high risk of heart attack, having an AED at home will eliminate the need to wait a few minutes until the emergency medical team arrives one day, and in a sudden heart attack, every minute is important.

Therefore, if anything happens to our family members, we are ready to act. Late is better than sorry as they say.

AED is able to own like the latest new gadget

People always want to have the latest gadgets. They won’t care how much it costs, or maybe they care so they try 100% to buy it.

Have we ever thought of having the most important ‘tool’ for our safety?

The price of an AED nowadays is actually affordable for many people. sellers offer excellent deals that some anyone can actually own an AED. If you get the latest information on the price of a tool, try doing a study on how much an AED costs. You make a comparison. Calculate the value of life as you do so.

In addition to mask, AED is one thing we should have during pandemic

This may sound radical. But did you know cases of heart failure increased during this pandemic?

Toronto medical researchers say that the incidence of heart failure showed an increase in value at the time of this Covid-19 Pandemic, and paramedics in Peel County say they see a similar trend happening close to home.

Corona virus itself can cause infections in the lungs and cause a lack of oxygen in patients. This condition can cause the heart to malfunction.

However, there are also cases involving vaccines that cause some heart problems. A boy in Singapore suffered a heart attack after his first stroke. But the government noted that the benefits of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine “continue to outweigh the risks of vaccination,” despite stating that people given the vaccine should avoid strenuous physical activity for a week after the injection.

Whatever the cause, this epidemic awakens us to always be prepared for any situation that could be life threatening. So apart from all the prevention methods we practice, using an AED can also make us feel safe and for our loved ones.

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