NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer
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Choosing the right fire safety course is essential for improving your skills and knowledge in fire prevention and response. Courses are available at all levels, from basic awareness to advanced training for professionals. Select the course that matches your goals and prioritize fire safety in your life or career.
NFPA course duration may vary depending on the participant’s qualifications
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer

Provide participants with a comprehensive overview of technical rescue operations, emphasising the various disciplines and the specialised skills required.
Instruct participants in high-angle rescue operations, including rope systems, anchors, and techniques for safe extrication from elevated locations.
Train participants in trench rescue operations, covering shoring systems, protective systems, and safe extrication methods for individuals trapped in trenches.
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer-Confined Space Level I

Cover atmospheric hazards, physical hazards, and other risks specific to confined spaces.
Cover permit-required confined spaces, entry permits, and communication protocols.
Address techniques for controlling and mitigating atmospheric hazards within confined spaces.
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer-Confined Space Level II

Cover atmospheric hazards, physical hazards, and other risks specific to confined spaces.
Address incident command functions, strategic decision-making, and coordination with multiple agencies during complex rescues.
Cover the selection, inspection, and application of specialised tools and equipment for intricate rescues.
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer-Vehicle Rescue Level I

Address potential hazards and scene safety protocols for responders.
Provide an overview of vehicle anatomy and construction, including modern vehicle materials and safety features.
Emphasise effective scene management and coordination during vehicle rescue incidents.
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer-Vehicle Rescue Level II

Address challenges such as entanglements, multiple victims, and unconventional vehicle designs.
Prepare participants for leadership roles within vehicle rescue operations.
Integrate vehicle rescue operations seamlessly within the incident command structure.
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer-Rope Rescue Awareness

Provide an overview of fundamental rope rescue principles, terminology, and industry best practices.
Address risk assessment, hazard identification, and the importance of personal protective equipment.
Teach participants how to conduct a scene size-up in rope rescue situations.
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer-Rope Rescue Operation

Address potential hazards and scene safety protocols for responders.
Provide an overview of vehicle anatomy and construction, including modern vehicle materials and safety features.
Emphasise effective scene management and coordination during vehicle rescue incidents.
NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer-Rope Rescue Technician

Explore advanced rope systems, including their design, components, and integration into complex rescue scenarios.
Cover high-angle, low-angle, and vertical rescue rigging, emphasising efficiency and safety.
Integrate patient packaging and movement techniques into rope rescue scenarios.