17 A &17 B, Jalan Tiaj 2/1, Taman Industri Alam Jaya, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam

Advance Firefighting and Rescue Training

Occupational Safety & Health Coordinator

Curriculum Description

Advanced Firefighting and Rescue Training is a specialized training program for experienced firefighters and emergency responders. The training focuses on advanced techniques and tactics for fighting fires, rescuing people in dangerous situations, and responding to hazardous materials incidents. It includes classroom instruction and hands-on exercises covering topics such as fire behavior, ventilation, structural collapse, confined space rescue, and more. Participants also learn leadership and decision-making skills to effectively manage emergency incidents and work as a team. Successful completion of the program may lead to certification or accreditation from relevant organizations or agencies.

Suitable Participant

The Advanced Firefighting and Rescue Training course is suitable for individuals who have already completed basic firefighting training and are looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in firefighting and rescue operations. This may include:

  • Firefighters
  • Emergency Responders
  • Industrial Firefighters
  • Military Personnel

Curriculum Outline

  • Introduction to Advanced Firefighting and Rescue Training
  • Fire Behavior and Dynamics
  • Firefighting Tactics and Techniques
  • Ventilation Techniques
  • Structural Collapse Rescue
  • Confined Space Rescue
  • Vehicle Extrication
  • Hazmat Response and Operations
  • Incident Command and Management
  • Leadership and Decision-Making Skills
  • Hands-On Training Exercises
  • Final Exam and Evaluation
  • Certification or Accreditation

Curriculum Duration

This fire safety course is designed to be completed over the course of 2 days, with each day consisting of x hours.

Course outcome:

Understand Basic Fire Science

Understand Basic Fire Science, Fire

Development Growth and principles

of rescue

Understand different fire attack

Understand different fire attack

method such as fire team

composition, direct and indirect


Demonstrate initial Firefighting

Demonstrate initial Firefighting

response using first aid firefighting


Demonstrate different rescue

Demonstrate different rescue

operation technique (non-improvised

and improvised) such as using rescue


Self Contains Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
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Occupational Safety & Health Coordinator (OSH-C)

Occupational Safety & Health Coordinator

Course Description

An Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Coordinator is a professional responsible for ensuring that workplace environments comply with safety regulations and standards to protect the health and safety of employees. Their role involves identifying potential hazards, developing safety policies, and implementing training programs to mitigate risks.

To train qualified AKCR Coordinators to comply with Section 29 (A) of the KKP Act (Amendment) 2022 in managing occupational safety and health, including assisting employers in KKP reporting, administering KKP documents, and promoting a KKP culture to ensure workplace safety for employees.

✔ Practical HIRARC: Hands-on application of HIRARC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control) methods in real-life situations.
✔ Assessment and Guidance

Teaching Mathodology
• Theoretical presentation
• Practical/ Grouping session

Why Choose Us:

  • Real-world practical HIRARC experience at FERA Training Ground Pump & Machine Room.
  • Various work platforms including high places, fire extinguisher service workshops, and simulations of gas pipe leaks and chemical drum leaks.

Having completed and passed the course, participants will be awarded with Certificate of Training.

Target Group

An Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Coordinator includes a wide range of stakeholders within an organization. These stakeholders are directly or indirectly affected by workplace safety and health policies and practices. Here are the main target groups:

  • High-Risk Workers
  • Safety Committees
  • Contractors and Subcontractors
  • Emergency Response Teams
  • All interested personnel

Course Outcomes

  • Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Coordinator
  • Basic Management of OSH SMI
  • Chemical Management
  • Introduction to Occupational Disease
  • Introduction to Work Related Road Safety (WRRS)
  • Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)
  • Practical Exercise for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
  • Material Storage and Handling
  • Workstation Design and Lighting
  • Productive Machine Safety
  • Premises and Work Related Welfare Facilities

Course Duration

This fire safety course is designed to be completed over the course of 3 days, with each day consisting of x hours.