17 A &17 B, Jalan Tiaj 2/1, Taman Industri Alam Jaya, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam

NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter

Choose Your Course and Register Now

Choosing the right fire safety course is essential for improving your skills and knowledge in fire prevention and response. Courses are available at all levels, from basic awareness to advanced training for professionals. Select the course that matches your goals and prioritize fire safety in your life or career.

NFPA course duration may vary depending on the participant’s qualifications

NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter I

Introduction to Fire Service

Provide an overview of the fire service and the roles and responsibilities of firefighters.

Fire Behaviour and Combustion

Understand the science behind fire development, spread, and control.

Fire Ground Operations

Cover strategies for fire control, extinguishment, and ventilation.

NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter II

Incident Command and Management

Develop incident management skills for effective coordination in complex emergencies.

Advanced Ventilation Techniques

Address positive pressure ventilation and tactical considerations in ventilation operations.

Advanced Fireground Strategies and Tactics

Train participants in advanced fireground strategies and tactics.