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17 A &17 B, Jalan Tiaj 2/1, Taman Industri Alam Jaya, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam

Kursus Asas Kawad Kaki

Kursus Asas Kawad Kaki

Curriculum Description

Berkawad adalah satu aspek penting dalam membentuk tatatertib dan disiplin dalam pasukan. Bagi memastikan bahawa individu dalam pasukan mempunyai disiplin yang baik, kami menawarkan kursus asas kawad kaki. Kursus ini terbuka kepada pelajar di institusi pengajian, sekolah, serta industri atau syarikat yang ingin mempelajari asas berkawad kaki. Dalam kursus ini, peserta akan diajar tentang dasar berkawad kaki dan teknik berbaris dan kawalan. Peserta juga akan diajar tentang nilai-nilai seperti kecemerlangan, ketegasan, dan kerjasama dalam kumpulan. Kursus ini direka khas untuk membantu peserta mengembangkan kemahiran berkawad kaki dan membentuk disiplin dan kecemerlangan dalam diri mereka.

Suitable Participant

Kursus Asas Kawad yang ditawarkan sesuai untuk beberapa kategori iaitu:

  • Pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi
  • Pelajar sekolah
  • Ahli syarikat ingin mempelajari asas berkawad kaki

Curriculum Outline

  • Pengenalan Asas Kawad Kaki
  • Pakaian Kawad Kaki
  • Gerakan Asas Kawad Kaki
  • Asas Perkhemahan
  • Aktiviti Kawad Kaki
  • Latihan Praktikal

Curriculum Duration

This fire safety course is designed to be completed over the course of 2 days, with each day consisting of x hours.

Course Outcome:

Teori kawad kaki

Teori asas kawad kaki

Praktikal kawad kaki

Praktikal kawad kaki

Kursus Asas Kawad Kaki

Kursus Asas Kawad Kaki

Curriculum Description

Marching is an important aspect of forming order and discipline in the team. To ensure that the individuals in the team have good discipline, we offer a basic marching course. This course is open to students in educational institutions, schools, and industries or companies who want to learn the basics of foot marching. In this course, participants will be taught the basics of foot marching and marching and control techniques. Participants will also be taught about values such as excellence, assertiveness, and cooperation in groups. This course is specially designed to help participants develop their marching skills and build discipline and excellence in themselves.

Suitable Participant

This course is suitable for several categories:

  • Students of higher education institutions
  • Student
  • Company members want to learn the basics of marching.

Curriculum Outline

  • Introduction of Basic Marching
  • Introduction to Marching Uniform
  • Basic movement of marching
  • Basic camping
  • Marching activities
  • Practical

Curriculum Duration

This fire safety course is designed to be completed over the course of 2 days, with each day consisting of x hours.

Marching Theory

Basic Marching Theory

Marching Practical

Marching Practical

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